&T borrows the data via an immutable reference, and the borrower can read the
data but not modify it. Mutable data can be mutably borrowed via a mutable
reference &mut T, giving read/write access to the borrower.
struct Book {
// `&'static str` is a reference to a string allocated in read only memory
author: &'static str,
title: &'static str,
year: uint,
// This function takes a reference to a book
fn borrow_book(book: &Book) {
println!("I borrowed {} {} edition", book.title, book.year);
// This function takes a reference to a mutable book
fn new_edition(book: &mut Book) {
// the fields of the book can be modified
book.year = 2014;
fn main() {
// An immutable Book
let geb = Book {
// string literals have type `&'static str`
author: "Douglas Hofstadter",
title: "Gödel, Escher, Bach",
year: 1979,
// Immutably borrow `geb`
// Error! Can't borrow an immutable object as mutable
new_edition(&mut geb);
// FIXME ^ Comment out this line
// `mutable_geb` is a mutable copy of `geb`
let mut mutable_geb = geb;
// Borrow a mutable object as mutable
new_edition(&mut mutable_geb);
// Mutable objects can be immutably borrowed