
49.8.2 Decodable

serialize::Decodable is a trait implemented for types to make them decodable by the serialize module.

To deserialize a type from a Json enum, a serialize::json::Decoder is first created for this Json. It can then be used to decode data into Decodables.

To make this task easier, Decodable can be automatically derived for a struct using #[deriving(Decodable)]. This creates a default implementation in which key-value pairs of a JSON object are mapped to fields of a struct. The keys are expected to have exactly the same names as the struct fields, including case.

extern crate serialize; use serialize::{json, Decodable}; #[deriving(Decodable)] struct City { name: String, // Latitude lat: f32, // Longitude lon: f32, } fn main() { for &json_str in [ r#"{"name": "Cape Town", "lat": -33.925, "lon": 18.424}"#, // Any extra fields will be ignored: r#"{"name": "Tokyo", "country": "Japan", "lat": -33.925, "lon": 18.424}"#, // However, a missing field will cause an error: r#"{"lat": -33.86, "lon": 151.209}"#, // FIXME ^ fill in the missing field: "name": "Sydney" ].iter() { let json_object = match json::from_str(json_str) { Ok(json) => json, Err(err) => { println!("json::from_str: {}", err); continue; }, }; // A `Decoder` object is created based on the `json_object` // using which a `City` struct can be decoded: let mut decoder = json::Decoder::new(json_object); let city: City = match Decodable::decode(&mut decoder) { Ok(city) => city, Err(err) => { println!("Decodable::decode: {}", err); continue; }, }; println!("City: {} ({:.2}° N, {:.2}° E)", city.name, city.lat, city.lon); } }