
22.4 ref模式

When doing pattern matching or destructuring via the let binding, the ref keyword can be used to take references to the fields of a struct/tuple.

#[deriving(Copy)] struct Point { x: int, y: int } fn main() { let point = Point { x: 0, y: 0 }; let _copy_of_x = { // `ref_to_x` is a reference to the `x` field of `point` let Point { x: ref ref_to_x, y: _ } = point; // Return a copy of the `x` field of `point` *ref_to_x }; // A mutable copy of `point` let mut mutable_point = point; { // `ref` can be paired with `mut` to take mutable references let Point { x: _, y: ref mut mut_ref_to_y } = mutable_point; // Mutate the `y` field of `mutable_point`, via a mutable reference *mut_ref_to_y = 1; } println!("point is ({}, {})", point.x, point.y); println!("mutable_point is ({}, {})", mutable_point.x, mutable_point.y); let mut tuple = (box 5u, 3u); { // `ref` can also be paired with `box` to take a mutable reference to // the data contained in the box let (box ref mut i, _) = tuple; *i = 3; } println!("tuple is {}", tuple); }