Most of the time we'll like to access some data, without taking ownership over
it. To accomplish this, Rust provides a borrowing mechanism. Instead of
passing objects by-value (T), objects can be passed by reference (&T).
// This function takes ownership of the box
fn eat_box(boxed_int: Box<int>) {
println!("destroying box that contains {}", boxed_int);
// This function borrows the box
fn peep_inside_box(borrowed_box: &Box<int>) {
println!("This box contains {}", borrowed_box);
fn main() {
// A boxed integer
let boxed_int = box 5;
// Borrow the box, ownership is not taken
// The box can be borrowed again
// Take a reference to the data contained inside the box
let _ref_to_int: &int = &*boxed_int;
// Error! Can't destroy boxed_int, while the inner value has been
// borrowed
// FIXME ^ Comment out this line
// `_ref_to_int` goes out of scope
// Give up ownership of the box
The compiler statically guarantees that references always point to valid
objects, via its borrow checker. For example, the original object can't be
destroyed, while references to it exists.