Generic structs can be declared to hold generic types, and generic functions
can be declared to take generic types as arguments.
Generics must be specialized when used; but, because of type inference,
annotation is usually not required. When that's not the case, structs can be
specialized via type annotation, and functions can be specialized passing the
generic arguments using this syntax ::<T, U, ..>.
// A generic struct
struct Pair<T> {
first: T,
second: T,
// A generic function
fn swap<T>(pair: Pair<T>) -> Pair<T> {
let Pair { first, second } = pair;
Pair { first: second, second: first }
// Reimplementing a 2-element tuple as a tuple struct
struct Tuple2<T, U>(T, U);
fn main() {
// Explicitly specialize `Pair`
let pair_of_chars: Pair<char> = Pair { first: 'a', second: 'b' };
// Implicitly specialize `Pair`
let pair_of_ints = Pair { first: 1i, second: 2 };
// Explicitly specialize `Tuple2`
let _tuple: Tuple2<char, int> = Tuple2('R', 2);
// Explicitly specialize `swap`
let _swapped_pair_of_chars = swap::<char>(pair_of_chars);
// Implicitly specialize `swap`
let _swapped_pair_of_ints = swap(pair_of_ints);