Explicit lifetimes are necessary when functions return references. Our case
study will be returning a reference to one of the fields of a struct.
struct Triplet {
one: int,
two: int,
three: int,
impl Triplet {
// First attempt: No explicit lifetimes
// The compiler infers that the field and the struct have the same lifetime
fn mut_one(&mut self) -> &mut int {
&mut self.one
// Second attempt: We explicitly annotate the lifetimes on all the
// references
// Error! The compiler doesn't know what is the relationship between the
// lifetime `structure` and the lifetime `field`
//fn mut_two<'structure, 'field>(&'structure mut self) -> &'field mut int {
//&mut self.two
// TODO ^ Try uncommenting this method
// Third attempt: We think! What is the relationship between the lifetimes?
// Clearly `'field` *can't* outlive `'structure`, because the field will be
// destroyed when the struct gets destroyed
// If the fields get destroyed along with the struct, then that means that
// both the struct and its field have the same lifetime!
// Ok, so we need to tell the compiler that `'structure` = `'field`
// We can use a shorter name for the lifetime, it's common to use a single
// letter lifetime, let's use `'s`, because it's the first letter of
// structure
fn mut_three<'s>(&'s mut self) -> &'s mut int {
&mut self.three
fn main() {
let mut triplet = Triplet { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 };
println!("Before: {}", triplet);
*triplet.mut_one() = 0;
println!("After: {}", triplet);
// Use mutable reference to modify the original struct
*triplet.mut_three() = 0;
println!("After: {}", triplet);